Unfortunately, not all of those items that purport to be safe are actually safe for consumption, or effective at what they claim to do. That is why it is important to stick to well-known and proven products. Wheat grass is one such product. Wheat grass has a long history of being added to juices and other supplements in order to help consumers lead a healthier life. You know those little boxes of green grass that are sitting on the shelves at juice bars? Who knew what a powerful punch of healthiness those little blades of grass could punch. You can even blend them up into your own juices at home. All you need is a blending machine, your favourite fruits and some wheat grass that you are growing in your windowsill. This is one way to add an extra oomph to your breakfast juice, and get your day off to a good start!
Organic Wheat Grass:
Organic wheat grass is a complete food that offers a wealth of vitamins, nutrients, amino acids and antioxidants to the human body. Organic wheat grass contains a natural balance of phytonutrients, carotenoids, fibre, enzymes, vitamins, amino acids antioxidants and proteins.
So what’s the big deal, right? Most adults do not get even close the recommended amount of vegetables in their diet on a daily basis. Let’s face it, it’s just not always practical and anyway, not everyone enjoys vegetables. Even if they did, the best way to get maximum nutritional value out of vegetables is to eat them raw and some of them just aren’t tolerable that way to many people. Organic wheat grass products are a great way around this particular problem. While it’s certainly not a substitute for a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, organic wheat grass can be an excellent way to fill in the gaps of your nutritional habits. Before wheat grass goes to seed, when it’s still young and lush and green, it contains the highest concentration of nutrients than it does at any other time.
The tender green leaves can be dehydrated and ground into a powder, which can then be pressed into pills, encapsulated or kept as a powder for mixing into food. If you’ve a stubborn teenager that doesn’t like vegetables or, perhaps, a stubborn mate who doesn’t enjoy veggies, this can be a great way to compromise, making sure your loved one is well fed while not offending his or her taste buds.
At some point in you day to day life you may realize you aren’t feeling terribly well. There’s nothing specifically wrong with you, but you feel run down, low on energy and overall just, well, blah. People in this position often feel as if they aren’t getting enough sleep, even when they know that they are. They may find themselves feeling moody or unmotivated. It could be that what your body needs is a boost or a kick-start.
Have you considered a detox? There are so many “cleansers” on the market today and they range from useless to harsh and dangerous. Organic wheatgrass, however, is a completely natural product that is gentle on the body while effectively encouraging it to detox itself.
Being an all-natural plant product, organic wheat grass is easily digested, allowing all the vitamins and minerals to be easily absorbed by the body. Not only that, but wheat grass is a complete food, packed with enzymes and all essential amino acids needed for healthy cell production. This natural source of antioxidants helps repair damaged cells what its high alkalinity helps balance acidic pH levels.
So if you’ve come to the realisation that your body feels sluggish and you’re just not feeling 100% all the time, it may be time to consider a dietary supplement that’s safe, has nothing but benefits to offer, and is effective as a gentle detoxifier as well as a dietary supplement. Organic wheatgrass is affordable, safe and delicious
Wheat Grass Powder:
You have probably heard all about the benefits of consuming wheat grass. But did you know that it comes in a few different forms? As a supplement, not only is wheat grass extremely healthy, but it is also exceedingly convenient for those that are constantly on the run. If you do not have a green thumb, or simply don’t want to care for something living, there are other options for you if you wish to add wheat grass to your daily diet.
Wheatgrass powder is a highly convenient way of adding this highly nutritional product to your daily menu. Wheatgrass powder will help you add that extra pep to your step even after a night on the town or even when you are not feeling particularly energetic. But, you certainly do not want to choke down teaspoon after tablespoon of dry wheatgrass powder. No, you will want to mix this into your favourite juice, or failing that simply mix it into water, or even a smoothie. Adding wheatgrass powder to the healthy parts of your meals, such as a raw fruit smoothie, will only increase the benefits of the product.
While wheatgrass powder will never be a substitute for leading a healthy life, it can help you add an extra dimension of vitamins and minerals to your day, which is extremely important these days, when we are running around so much that we are lucky to squeeze in that apple a day that keeps the doctor away. Since it requires no cooking, you can simply pre-measure and add to your juice on the run.
Wheat Grass Product:
Wheatgrass products have long been recognised for their unique, nutritional benefits. Research has confirmed the value of cereal leaf as a complete food and it can be found in a natural synergistic form that makes an ideal dietary supplement. Wheatgrass products are natural food products, made entirely from leaf harvested when the wheat plant is still in it’s grass-like stage. This is before stem elongation and before seed head formation. The plants nutritional value reaches a peak for important dietary components at the stage. Vitamins, minerals, amino acids, chlorophyll and carotenes are at their highest concentration during the early part of the wheat’s development.
Wheatgrass products are a good source of vitamin E, which is an anti-oxidant that provides protection for cells against free radical damage. Free radical damage may lead to disorders of the heart and possibly even cancer. Vitamin E is recognised as helping the body’s immune system, particularly during times of stress or viral illness.
When your lifestyle makes eating well a difficult task, wheatgrass products can help. Powders can be mixed with beverages and consumed as a dietary supplement or even sprinkled onto food. Some products are available in capsulated form and can be taken along with your medication or vitamins in the morning. These products are safe even for a Celiac, as they contain no actual wheat, as the products are made from the immature grass. As such, the product is naturally gluten free and safe for anyone with gluten intolerance. Wheatgrass products have a history of helping people feel better, maintain a healthy immune system and experience renewed energy.